Thursday, 24 August 2017

Trailer Analysis -Buster's Mal Heart

  • The trailer opens with low speed editing and no non diegetic audio, the only sound being diegetic speech and background office noises
  • The shot is low key side lit with a large amount of brown and the main protagonist is looking away from the camera, eating a sandwich, creating a dreary and very dull working environment.
  • The production information is then displayed and over the top of this non diegetic, very orchestral music begins, contrapuntal to the mundane cleaning tasks the character is carrying out
  • The music begins to crescendo as the editing speed picks up and the shots become far more often close ups
  • Static sounds begin to be places on top of the music, creating a sense of confusion and hinting that something untoward if going to happen
  • At just after 30 seconds into the trailer you see a gun shot and there is a sudden change in both the pacing and the mood
  • The previous non diegetic music cuts out and instead is replaced by eerie singing
  • Another clear juxtaposition is the colour, the first half of the trailer is full of yellows and browns but after the switch everything becomes blues, the complete opposite on the colour wheel, possibly to highlight a hugely influential change in the protagonists life

  • We see shots of him, a complete contrast to earlier in the trailer, with a bloody long hair and beard, though it is un clear whether this happens before of after the events earlier in the trailer, keeping a strong air of mystery around the film, not giving too much away
  • There is then a series of picturesque wide landscape shots with critics reviews placed over them, the snowing weather and the melancholic song gives a downcast mood to these shots
  • As the song reaches it's climax, diegetic gun shots as well as a baby crying are all placed on top, paired with an extremely fast editing montage, displaying all the many thoughts rushing through his mind that he is unable to escape 
  • This montage is crosscut with shots of TV static, again reinforcing the idea that he is trapped in someone else's game
  • The trailer ends with the editing speed returning to slow and you seeing him blow out a candle then the shot cut to black
  • The intense sounds of before cut out an the melancholic singing returns quietly fading out over the film title and the final shot, which for the first time combines the two half of the trailer by pairing together both the yellow and the blue in a single shot, signifying the reunification of the two septette parts of his life and a feeling that he is at peace almost, which is also seen in the quiet end to the singing.


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